I was never Clan born. But I had always had the heart of a warrior. I was a rouge. But I wasn't vicious or mean. When I was younger my mother had always told me about a big group of cats called clans who each had different parts of territory. One day I decided that I would look for these so called clans.
I was walking around an unfamiliar forest one day, wary but strong. I heard a gasp of shock behind me and saw a greyish silver cat drop a bird to the ground. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "My name is Moontail." She said calmly to me not at all shy. "Whats yours?" She asked. "Living alone you don't really have to care for a name." I told her. "But..my name is Nettle. Are you a clan cat?" I asked her suspiciously. "I am." She meowed. "I am from SilverClan. The greatest clan ever." I quivered in excitement. I had found one of the clans! I didn't know what to say. But she said it all for me. "Would you like to me to come back with my leader and see what she thinks of you?" I nodded unable to speak. She leaped off gracefully through some bushes. I waited a while. I heard a rustle and saw Moontail's head peek out of the bushes. I heard another older sounding cat grumbling behind her. "Look did you have to pull me out here Moontail I was having a lovely nap about catching a plump mouse." "Sorry Amberstar. But you have to see this cat! Hes strong and amazing and he came such a long way to find us!" I saw Amberstar for the first time and bowed my head awkwardly. Amberstar purred. "There is no need to do that for me...is it Nettle? Yes, yes it is Nettle." She looked me over and I looked calmly into her amber gaze. "Nettle, you would make an amazing addition to the clan." I widened my eyes in happiness as I realised I was able to join her clan.
Now as I re tell the story of my life, I stand strong beside my mate Moontail
Scarletfoot tells her story:
I was clan born, and always the bolder one of the litter.
My mother was Dewfur, and my father was Redtail, an ambitious warrior from Maple Clan, who left to be with my mother and his kits. For a while he lived with us, but he turned out to be a traitor.
Redtail tried to kill Amberstar, and led Maple Clan into our camp.
The worst part is, this was on the night of my vigil when I was becoming a warrior! Redtail betrayed me, and I was scarred for life. I could never trust another soul. Then I met Stone. He was a rouge, but he was as strong and brave of a warrior as any cat in SilverClan.
We fell in deep love, and late at night I would sneak out to see him. He was so wise, so clever, I thought I would never meet another cat like him.
He always talked of a world where humans could live at peace with cats, and cats could live at peace with one another. It seemed so beautiful. The week after he told me of this idea, I ran to the clan to tell them of such a world. Then an idea struck me- I would announce it in front of all the Clans, at the next Gathering! I proposed the idea to make peace with everyone, but they were all dismayed, and shocked; I was always the first one to fight. My Clan was embarrassed and I was punished with chores for an entire moon.
It was like being an apprentice all over again! Now that I thought of it, the idea was pretty stupid. Peace? Was that even possible? No. Stone was putting ideas into my head that would never be conceived. Still, I loved him. Later that night I told him of what happened. At first he was pleasantly surprised to know that I had tried to follow in his footsteps and bring peace to the clans. But when he heard news of how they responded, he was furious! How dare they! To not even respectfully silent me! It was an outrage! I stayed quiet the entire time, waiting for him to cool down. I remember the next part distinctly.
"Do you want to talk to them? You could join the Clan! You could convince them! And we could be together without having to hide it!" I said this as, ideas swirling through my head, I intertwined my tail with his.
"No," he said stiffly. "They cannot be persuaded. We can't help them."
"Oh," I said, hurt and disappointed.
"Scarletfoot," he said, almost nervously. This scared me. He was always so calm and measured. His uncertainty made me frightened.
"Come with me." I gasped. "Quit the Clan. This violence, this hatred- it's not okay. I'm worried about you. With me, you can always feel safe. I love you, Scarletfoot, and I want you to be with me."
"Qui-quit the Clan?" He nodded. "Stone, I- I can't. You can't just quit the Clan. It's a loyalty, a commitment. Stone, it's my life, don't you understand that?"
"But it doesn't have to be."
"What about my mom? My brother? How will they cope?"
"I'm sure they'll be fine."
"Stone, I-" I was interrupted by a rustling in the bushes. An unfamiliar she-cat stepped out. She stinked of Ocean Clan.
"Stone? You said you wanted to talk?"
"Angelfur!" he cried as he ran to her. They rubbed against each other and purred. I stood there
respectfully, waiting for an explanation. Then Angelfur looked up.
"Who is this?"
"This is Scarletfoot." His voice was cold and unfamiliar. "We were just finishing."
I stood there with my jaw wide open for a moment. Then I replied "Yes, we were." And I ran off. Hot tears were streaming down my fur, blinding my vision, but I kept running. Somewhere behind me I heard a voice: "Angelfur, come with me. It's our destiny to be together."
I hope he enjoyed Angelfur's company, because I never saw him agin. There were often nights when I woke up cryig, thinking of him. I loved him and I always will.
Moonfur tells her story:
I was a rowdy kit, mostly hardplay and fighting. My name was Blizzard. I ate as much as a wolf as I grew a little bigger. Now as old as a Silverclan apprentice, I came to random people and said this:
And I meant it. I always thought that I was supposed to fight and hunt and live off the land.
As I grew older, I became a beautiful cat.
Soon, I met Shadowclaw, learned about Silverclan, and left my twoleg home to live with him as a Warrior.
We loved eachother so much, we became mates.
Now, with three kits, I stand as a noble warrior: Moonfur.
Thank you.
Shadowclaw tells his story:
Hello, clanmates. I have a very sad story of my life. First of all, my mother's name was Silvia. I was only 1 out of 2 cats in my litter who survived the flood. We lived in a place twolegs call California. There was a big tsunami that wiped our small home away.
My brother Carner, was Sylvia's favorite. She loved him at least twice as much as me. Carner, not wanting me around, threw me down hunters cliff to try and kill me. From what I know, Sylvia didn't notice... or didn't care.... Anyway, I landed on a little padded ledge near the Moonpool. Snowpetal was there, and took me to a foster mother (Skywing).My life changed that point on.
As I was hunting (I was a warrior by then), I saw the most gorgeous cat I had ever seen. She was a white, long haired cat with lovely amber eyes. I loved her at once. We became mates not long after, and she came into Silverclan as Moonfur.
Moonfur and I had three frisky kits.
And that was my sad tale.
Snowpetal tells her story:
As a kitten, I was no warrior. I was the quieter one of my littermates. My name was Snowball.
As I grew older, I became more adventurous and met Amberstar. She taught me about Silver Clan. She then became leader and invited me to her clan. I did not want to become a warrior and so then I became Medicine Cat. Then Shadowclaw fell down Hunters Cliff. I saved him and that was my first warrior that I healed!
Greyfeather tells his story
As a kitten, my name was Leaper. My name was this because as soon as I could walk, I started jumpung all around. When I was about apprentice age my mother took us away from the twolegs. She taught my sister and I to hunt and fight. One day a badger came. It killed my sister and injured my mother. My mother came to Silver Clan and gave me up. My foster mother and father were Stormpelt and Hazelwhisker. My foster brother was Treeclaw. We became really close friends. When he and I became Warriors, I decided to become Deputy and he decided to have a mate. His mate was Skywing. That is my story!
Icefur tells her story
Hi cats of Silverclan. My story starts out as me being a interesting kit. I was born with violet eyes and long, beautiful fur. I was a beauty, and everyone loved my eyes. My name was even Violet!
All the male cats (except for my brothers of course) loved me and wanted me to love them back. I finally chose a handsome silver cat named Leopeardpelt
We became great friends.
He showed me to an amazing mystical waterfall. I was astounded. Scared, even.
I remember falling in, and Leopardpelt not diving after me. I had already fallen to the bottom of the clear blue pool, and soon realized he pushed me into the falls and tried to kill me! I couldn't swim, and I was seething mad. Still the air in my lungs was running out. I was drowning.
I HAD to take a breath. Not thinking straight, I took in substance completely submerged in the water. Nothing happened. My lungs took the water as normal as it would air. Finally, Leapardpelt dove through the water and stood next to me. Now I understood. Leopardpelt was showing me a wonderful treasure. He talked about Silverclan and the life of a Warrior. I immediately took on and eventually he said I could join the clan. After climbing out of the water, I met the whole clan. Amberstar seemed to like me, and said that my eyes were a brilliant shade of ice blue. BLUE?!?! I couldn't believe it!
After Amberstar gave me the name Icefur, Leopardpelt told me that my eyes were blue because of the water in the waterfall. Then he asked me to be his mate. And WHAT do you think I said? Well, now a Warrior (soon to be a Queen), I stand tall as Icefur.
Thank you...
Ravenheart tells her story:
As a kit, my name was Raven. I loved my black glossy fur. In my twolegs home I loved playing in the flowers.
My mother was named Jessi and I loved her with all my heart. I also had a brother named Jasper. He looked exactly like me. Eventually me and Jasper ran away. The twolegs had started beating him because he had accedentally ripped their curtains. A while later we met up with one of the Silver Clan patrols. Jasper attacked them. I had to hold him back. Then to my surprize they invited us to the clan! Jasper became Furytail.

I kept my name and became Ravenheart.

Thank you.
Moonpaw tells her story:
I was a young kit when my mother
was killed by a fox that looked like it had been starving for moons.
I stayed with her for days but eventually i couldnt stay with her anymore.
I wandered around a forest not knowing where to go or where i was. Then i met a cat saying that i was among friends. Her name was Amberstar.
I was very cautious at first and i tried not to watch as cats gathered to watch me as i padded towards the nursery. I was to young to become an apprentice and i didnt need to be fed by milk anymore.
A pretty black She-Cat with a white chest
and blue eyes named Icefur said I was safe.
I purred in delight. I was Moonkit. Ands i was going to be the greatest warrior who ever lived!!
Moonpaw tells her story:
I was a young kit when my mother
was killed by a fox that looked like it had been starving for moons.
I stayed with her for days but eventually i couldnt stay with her anymore.
I wandered around a forest not knowing where to go or where i was. Then i met a cat saying that i was among friends. Her name was Amberstar.
I was very cautious at first and i tried not to watch as cats gathered to watch me as i padded towards the nursery. I was to young to become an apprentice and i didnt need to be fed by milk anymore.
A pretty black She-Cat with a white chest
and blue eyes named Icefur said I was safe.
I purred in delight. I was Moonkit. Ands i was going to be the greatest warrior who ever lived!!