
Welcome to Silver Clan!

Warrior News

New Cats: If you are new or haven't emailed us yet, Copy the form on the JOIN HERE page, fill it out, and email us at amberstar786@gmail.com or snowpetal119@gmail.com. Everyone will be blocked untill they email us and fill out the form. Thanks! Email us: Patchcloud and Foxtail. You need to fill out the form on the JOIN HERE page! Weather: Windy:Yes, Cloudy:Yes, Raining:No, Snowing:No, Sunny:No, Hailing:Yes Season: Leafbare Patrols: Hunting Patrol 1: Skyblossom, Amberstar, Greyflight, Ravenheart Hunting patrol 2: Icewing, Nighttail, Scarletfoot, Jadepelt Dawn Patrol: Greyfeather, Moonfur, Paleheart, Skypaw Daylight patrol:Leafwing, Sunpelt, Nettleclaw, Moontail Sunset Patrol: Treeclaw, Furytail, Firetree, Stonepaw Email us about what you find on Patrol! Gathering: April 1

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Medicine Cat Den

These are herbs that the medicine cats need.
The * means that those herbs are used for battle injuries

Catmint (x2)
Cures Whitecough and Greencough
Mint (x1)
Rosemary (x1)
*Marigold (x3)
Stops infections
*Thyme (x3)
Used to calm a cat
Burdock Root (x1)
Used for rat bites
Borage (x1)
Used to stop fevers
Used to heal minor wounds
Feverfew (x1)
Used to ease fevers
*Comfrey (x0)
Used to heal broken bones
Juniper (x0)
Used for stomach aches
Lavender (x3)
Used for fevers
Mallow (x1)
Uses to soothe the belly
*Poppy Seeds (x1)
Used to remove pain
Tansy (x1)
*Yarrow (x0)
Used to relieve pain and stop infection
*Nettle (x2)
Used for swelling

Cherries (x1)
Raspberries (x1)

*Cobwebs (x4)
Used to press on bleeding wounds
Honey (x1)
Used for sore throats


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