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New Cats: If you are new or haven't emailed us yet, Copy the form on the JOIN HERE page, fill it out, and email us at amberstar786@gmail.com or snowpetal119@gmail.com. Everyone will be blocked untill they email us and fill out the form. Thanks! Email us: Patchcloud and Foxtail. You need to fill out the form on the JOIN HERE page! Weather: Windy:Yes, Cloudy:Yes, Raining:No, Snowing:No, Sunny:No, Hailing:Yes Season: Leafbare Patrols: Hunting Patrol 1: Skyblossom, Amberstar, Greyflight, Ravenheart Hunting patrol 2: Icewing, Nighttail, Scarletfoot, Jadepelt Dawn Patrol: Greyfeather, Moonfur, Paleheart, Skypaw Daylight patrol:Leafwing, Sunpelt, Nettleclaw, Moontail Sunset Patrol: Treeclaw, Furytail, Firetree, Stonepaw Email us about what you find on Patrol! Gathering: April 1

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Saturday, February 5, 2011


Silverclan Cats leapt over the brambles onto the circle where two other clans waited.
"At least we aren't last." Nettleclaw said.  It was getting late. Where was Swiftclan? All of a sudden Birdstar and Ravenclaw appeared.
"I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" Birdstar called "Swiftclan is not coming to gatherings anymore!"
Everyone gasped.
"I have decided that if we come we will tell everyone our weaknesses-not that we do-but some of our apprentices have been sharing certian things with cats from other clans." Birdstar concluded. And with that she and Ravenclaw walked away.

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